David C. Deeds
Ernst & Young Accounting Faculty Fellow
Associate Professor of Practice

CBB 349
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David C. Deeds
Ernst & Young Accounting Faculty Fellow
Associate Professor of Practice
In addition to his teaching activities in the Department of Accounting, David is the T. Wayne Davis Entrepreneur-in-Residence. In that role he teaches entrepreneurship classes in the Certificate in Entrepreneurship curriculum, provides assistance to entrepreneurs in the development of their businesses, and works with the College's John Pappajohn Entrepreneurship Center (JPEC), and Business & Community Services (BCS) in the advancement of entrepreneurship as part of President Allen's mission for UNI.
M.B.A. University of Kansas; B.A. (Accounting) University of Northern Iowa.
Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Entrepreneurship; New Venture Development and Management
David is an accounting, property management and construction professional with over fifteen years of experience progressing from big five public accounting to management for a Fortune 200 transportation company to CFO for a $250 million private real estate firm. He most recently is founder and CEO of the development and general contracting firm Cedar Valley Restoration and Development. The firm develops and constructs new architecturally appropriate housing and mixed use structures as well as renovates existing homes preserving the historically significant architecture.
He has extensive experience in real estate finance, accounting and information systems. He directed the turn around of a failing accounting and information services function while working in the seniors' housing industry. He also has extensive experience in Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and internal reporting and staff recruitment and management in addition to a solid background in employee benefit plan issues, accounting guidance evaluation and integration of merging companies' financial information.