Tim Lindquist
PricewaterhouseCoopers Professor

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Tim Lindquist
PricewaterhouseCoopers Professor
Ph.D. (Accounting), University of Colorado at Boulder; M.B.A. (Human Resources), Michigan State University; B.S. (Accounting), Northern Michigan University.
Financial (Intermediate); Governmental, Not-for-Profit; Accounting Theory, Behavioral Accounting
Behavioral Accounting- including influence of culture, ethics and generation on judgment & decision-making; management controls including impact of procedural and distributive justice/injustice in the workplace.
Tim’s strong research record in accounting is evidenced by his publications in The Accounting Review, The Journal of Management Accounting Research, Behavioral Research in Accounting, Management Accounting Research and Accounting Education: A Journal of Theory, Practice and Research to name a few. His research has been presented at national and international conferences including the European Academy of Management in Rotterdam, Netherlands, the International Conference of Pacific Rim Management (Vancouver), the Management Accounting Research Conference (San Diego and San Antonio), the International Conference on Contemporary Accounting Issues (Taiwan) and numerous regional and national meetings of the American Accounting Association. Tim also served on the editorial review board of Issues in Accounting Education and served on the review board for the EURAM 2010 Research Conference at Tor Vergata University in Rome and the EURAM 2012 Research Conference at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Tim received UNI’s highest faculty honor as a 2011 recipient of the Award for Faculty Excellence presented by the Iowa Board of Regents which recognizes outstanding contributions in research, teaching and service. He additionally served as the Accounting Alumni Faculty Fellow from 2011-2013. He also was awarded the Wilson College of Business Faculty Research Award in 2001 for his academic scholarship. He also completed a Visiting Research Professorship at Baylor University in Waco, Texas.
Tim also maintains an excellent teaching reputation having received the 2016 Class of 1943 Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching which is the top university-wide teaching award at UNI, presented to one professor a year. Tim has also received the following additional teaching awards in his time at UNI; Wilson College of Business Outstanding Teaching Award (2007), Wilson College of Business Innovations in Teaching Award (1995) and the inaugural University Book and Supply Outstanding Teaching Award for Tenure Track Faculty in the Wilson College of Business (1994). When graduating seniors are asked which faculty member had the most positive impact on their lives, Tim consistently receives recognition (he has ranked among the top five faculty members receiving such honor at UNI). Tim recently completed four international Visiting Professorships at Alpen- Adria Universität Klagenfurt in Klagenfurt, Austria (2009, 2010, 2012 and 2016). Before coming to UNI, Tim taught at The University of Colorado-Boulder, Regis College in Denver, CO, and Northern Michigan University in Marquette, MI.
Tim’s service to the university, college and most importantly, students is also strong. He currently serves as faculty advisor to the UNI Accounting Club. He also served as Chair and member of the Presidential Scholars Board, creating the Provost Scholar Program and Presidential Scholar Think-Tank. Tim was awarded the 2014 Faculty Service Award for Wilson College of Business.