Dan Beenken

Assistant Adjunct Professor

Director - UNI Family Business Center

Dan Beenken

BCS 032G

(319) 273-4322

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Dan Beenken

Assistant Adjunct Professor

Director - UNI Family Business Center

Dan Beenken’s primary focuses are in succession planning and family business. Prior to his current role, he worked in asset management, venture capital and investment banking industries — most recently in business development and product management. In the classroom, his focus is to bring as much of today’s business environment into the classroom as he can. His classes focus on real world cases and business families whenever possible. 

Beenken has extensive experience working with early-stage firms on capital formation and exit strategies. He has also served as a business consultant at the University of Minnesota and Iowa State University. Dan holds a bachelor’s degree in finance and entrepreneurial management from Iowa State University and master’s of business administration from the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Business.

Hobbies & Interests
Beeken has always loved the great outdoors and enjoys anything that gets him out there. He's an avid hunter and fisherman who can never get enough time in nature.


M.B.A. Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota; B.S. (Finance/Management) Iowa State University

Teaching Interests

Start Up and Family Business Dynamics 

Research Interests

Family Succession Planning