Andy (John) Anderson
Hamilton / ESP International Associate Professor

CBB 252
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Andy (John) Anderson
Hamilton / ESP International Associate Professor
Ph.D. (Management) University of Durham (United Kingdom); M.Res. (Management Science) University of Lancaster (United Kingdom); B.S. (Supply Chain and Operations Management) University of Northern Iowa
Global Supply Chain Management; Optimization Modeling; Operations Management
Dr. Anderson's research centers around Chinese outward foreign direct investment. Within this niche, he investigates diverse topics such as home country policy impacts, strategic asset seeking, and global value chains.
Prior to teaching at UNI, Andy taught optimization modeling in the MBA program at Drake University and Operations and Supply Chain Management courses in the undergraduate and MBA programs at China Agricultural University (Beijing).
He has presented his research at several national and international conferences and has been nominated for "best paper" awards. He has published articles in The China Quarterly, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Journal of World Business, and International Business Review, among others. Andy also actively performs new product and supply chain development consulting projects and founded a non-profit that focuses on strengthening female educational access in Tibetan regions of Qinghai, China.