Russell Guay
David W. Wilson Chair in Business Ethics

CBB 253
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Russell Guay
David W. Wilson Chair in Business Ethics
Russell has 10 years of HR experience in the manufacturing, hospitality and consulting industries. He has worked in all aspects of HR, with primary focuses in staffing, training, governmental compliance and employee relations. He has held SHRM-CP and PHR certifications. He is also the advisor of the Panther Leadership Association (PLA) and advisor for UNI's student chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management for (SHRM).
Guay’s passion is in the classroom, working with students to make a difference for them and help them find their purpose. One of his favorite aspects of teaching is seeing students engage with the material and preparing them for their future careers.
Hobbies & Interests
In his spare time, Guay enjoys sports, reading, movies and quality time with his wife and pets.
Bachelor of Science in Management (HR emphasis) from Northern Illinois University; MBA from Northern Illinois University; PhD in Organizational Behavior/Human Resources from the University of Iowa.
Leadership, Management, Negotiations, Human Resources, and Organizational Behavior (undergrad, MBA, or executive).
With a prior career in HR, Russell's research focuses on several dynamic areas such as leadership, fit, personality, work attitudes, and job performance. For example, why are some leaders able to more easily impact certain types of followers and not others? Why do certain followers only positively respond to certain leadership styles? Should personality research also focus on values and interests instead of just traits? Is it more important to fit with the organization, job, team, or the supervisor? How do recruiter perceptions of applicant fit impact the chances of being hired? How do all of the above mechanisms impact work attitudes, work motivation, and job performance? These are just some of the fascinating topics Russell's research has focused on over his career.
Russell was the recipient of a teaching award as a doctoral student at the University of Iowa, a recipient of a 2013 Apple Polisher Award, 2014 Apple Polisher Award, 2014 University Book and Supply Outstanding Teacher Award, 2016 Wilson College of Business Distinguished Scholarship Award, 2016 NISG Above and Beyond Excellence in Teaching Award, 2017 Apple Polisher Award, 2017 Wilson College of Business Distinguished Teaching Award, 2020 Wilson College of Business Distinguished Service Award, 2020 UNI Class of 1943 Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2022 Apple Polisher Award, and was recognized as the first Tim Williams Junior Faculty Fellow. He is also the David W. Wilson Chair of Business Ethics. Professor Guay's research is published in Personnel Psychology, Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Academic Ethics, Journal of Total Rewards, Human Resource Management, Human Performance, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Applied Psychology: An International Review, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, Personality and Individual Differences, Organization Management Journal, as well as the APA Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. In addition, he has made several presentations at the Academy of Management conference and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology conference and has been a reviewer for several journals and conferences. He is also a member of AOM, SIOP, SHRM, and CV-SHRM.