Christine Schrage
Global Opportunities Coordinator
Assistant Professor of Instruction

CBB 341
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Christine Schrage
Global Opportunities Coordinator
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Christine Schrage grew up on a farm and was heavily involved in 4-H as a child, helping her develop her current skills and leadership styles. With a background in animal science, Schrage worked in agri-business and joined UNI as an instructor in 1998 after getting her master’s degree. She has an interest in global trade, cross-cultural relationships and international experiences for outgoing and incoming students.
With students, Schrage encourages open discussion of questions with no right answers, helping them experience new viewpoints and perspectives. She is an adviser for a student organization and loves to guide students along their learning paths. In 20 years, she’s coached more than 50 case competition teams.
Hobbies & Interests
In her free time, Schrage enjoys traveling (she’s visited 51 countries) and service missions. She takes care of her 8.5-acre property, which includes a cabin, playground, horseshoe, volleyball court, bridge and a heated workshop for woodworking. She also has a sewing room where she makes everything from small trivets to quilts.
M.B.A. and B.A. (Marketing) University of Northern Iowa; CPH Language Cross-Cultural School, Santa Ana, Costa Rica; A.A.S. - Animal Science, Hawkeye Institute of Technology
International Business and Relations; Global Trade Practices; Global Marketing
As the College's coordinator of global opportunities, Chris focuses on the hands-on skills involved in international management and marketing. You'll find many of her research reports on the resource pages of the National Association of Small Business International Trade Educators (NASBITE), which prepares both students and trade professionals to sit for the Certified Global Business Professional (CGBP) exam. Getting her own hands dirty characterizes Chris' favorite research, and her student's projects and trips often lead to case studies and articles about supply chain problems, international entrepreneurship, and micro-credit operations in underdeveloped countries.
Chris has a history of rural entrepreneurship that has extended into her international outreach efforts. Prior to coming to UNI, Chris was employed by several different firms. Most notably she worked six years as an account specialist and branch manager for a leasing firm, managing a $20 million dollar portfolio of lease contracts. Building upon that and other work experiences, she established Pork Purveyors, Ltd., a swine production and management consulting firm, eventually managing over 50 swine operations in the Midwest and Surgical Device International, providing devices and training to veterinarians in the U.S. and international locations. She also worked part-time for three years as the Parkersburg Economic Development Coordinator. She has given many conference and executive development presentations focused on micro-enterprises in developing countries in addition to five publications on a range of similar topics. In 2006, she earned NASBITE's Certified Global Business Professional (CGBP) credential, and she was awarded the designation of Certified CGBP Trainer in 2011. Chris received the 2015/2016 UNI CBA Special Recognition Award and was inducted into the National Society of Collegiate Scholars in 2014. Due to her interest in cultural training, she just completed her 5th book on children in other countries.