Gunwoo Yoon

Associate Professor

Gunwoo Yoon

CBB 345

(319) 273-6930

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Gunwoo Yoon

Associate Professor


Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; M.S., Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology; B.B.A., Sogang University

Teaching Interests

Advertising and Promotion; Consumer Behavior

Research Interests

The department's newest faculty member also focuses on the newest marketing techniques:  social media and gamification and their effects on the ways consumers think and decide. The results demonstrate both the complexity of human cognition and the power of digital media to harness that complexity. How could it matter, for example, whether you ask customers to rate their choices with an "X" or a checkmark? What difference would it make if social media ads were delivered on a sunny or a cloudy day? Turns out to be quite a lot, along with a lot of other fascinating things we've forgotten to notice like avatar appearance, emoji choices, and multitasking. 

Professional Accomplishments

Prior to joining UNI, Yoon was a faculty member at the University of Miami. His research focuses on information processing aspects of persuasion. He has published in several scholarly journals, including the Journal of Advertising, the Journal of Consumer Psychology, Psychological Science, the Journal of Interactive Advertising, among others. He is currently on the editorial review board of the Journal of Advertising.