Imam M. Alam

CBB 201
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Imam M. Alam
Imam Alam has a background in economics, with degrees from the University of Dhaka in Bangladesh, University of Huston-Texas and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. With students, Alam’s goal is to teach the idea of critical thinking. He encourages students to ask questions and interact during lectures, particularly for upper-level courses. Alam enjoys doing research with students – over the years, several students worked under his supervision for undergraduate research and university honors programs.
Hobbies & Interests
In his free time, Alam enjoys sports, photography, music, art and reading.
Ph.D. (Economics) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; M.A. University of Houston, Texas; M.S.S. University of Dhaka, Bangladesh; B.S.S. University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
International Trade, International Financial Economics, Economic Development, Business Statistics, Quantitative Methods, Econometrics.
Imam’s research interest includes applied econometrics, labor market, trade, and child labor issues.
Imam has published articles in Economics Letters, Canadian Journal of Economics, International Economic Journal, International Review of Applied Economics, Studies in Economics and Finance, Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, Journal of International Economic Studies, Journal of Socio-Economics, and Bangladesh Development Studies. Prior to joining the UNI faculty, Imam taught at the University of Illinois as a teaching assistant and University of Nebraska at Omaha as a visiting assistant professor.