Zhengyang (Robin) Chen
Assistant Professor

CBB 202
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Zhengyang (Robin) Chen
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. in Economics at University of Texas at Dallas
M.S. in Finance and MS in Real Estate at Johns Hopkins University
B.BM in International Business at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China
Macroeconomics, Money and Banking, Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
Major fields of interest are macroeconomics/ monetary economics, macro-finance and time series analysis. Current research focuses on the roles of financial intermediaries and expectations in the monetary policy transmission to the macro economy.
Before coming to UNI, Robin was an assistant professor at St. Cloud State University and held visiting position at Birmingham Southern College. His research has been published in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control and presented in international and domestic conferences. In addition, he is a member of American Economic Association, Society of Economic Measurement and Southern Economic Association.