Financial Literacy Sponsors
Financial Literacy Provides Foundation for Success
We want to express our gratitude to the donors who have supported our efforts to promote financial literacy education. At the Wilson College of Business, we are actively seeking partners who can help us bring the Financial Skills for Smart Living® curriculum to students, teachers, and communities across Iowa. This curriculum offers numerous advantages and is designed to help people understand the financial impact of their everyday decisions. We believe that personal finance is a crucial skill, particularly for those who are about to enter the workforce and start managing their own finances. Therefore, it's essential that individuals gain these skills as early as possible.
Founding Sponsors
"The Iowa Credit Union Foundation is proud to support the Financial Skills for Smart Living program presented by the University of Northern Iowa College of Business. The program aligns wonderfully with our mission to champion financial well-being for all. Financial education is a critical component of this mission. This program empowers Iowa educators with the tools and training needed to prepare students across the state for successful financial futures."
Ena Babic Barnes
Executive Director, Iowa Credit Union Foundation
Partners ($50,000 and Above)
"The Iowa Bankers Association is pleased to support UNI’s Financial Skills for Smart Living program,” said IBA President and CEO (and 81 UNI alum) John Sorensen. “Iowa bankers partner year round with their local schools and communities to improve financial skills and awareness for Iowans. We believe this program complements these local efforts and helps to equip students with tools necessary to make smart financial decisions, positioning them for academic and career success."
John Sorensen
President & CEO, Iowa Bankers Association
"Gaining an early grasp of financial literacy is one of the most impactful skills for creating a successful financial future. We’re fortunate that UNI offers Financial Skills for Smart Living® and grateful for the chance to support their effort."
Julie Gage
Public Relations Strategist, Veridian Credit Union
“Lincoln Savings Bank is proud to invest in the Financial Skills for Smart Living program, presented by the University of Northern Iowa College of Business. So many of our everyday decisions have a financial impact, making personal finance a crucial skill for high schoolers in our growing communities. This program is a cornerstone in the foundation of financial skills, students earn college credit after passing the final exam, and high school faculty who teach the course can receive professional development and support from UNI Business faculty and staff. The Financial Skills for Smart Living program is a win-win for all!”
Ashley Ungs
Marketing Community Relations Manager, Lincoln Savings Bank

Supporters: ($10,000-$49,999)
"GreenState Credit Union is proud to stand beside UNI Financial Skills for Smart Living because, as a financial institution, we pride ourselves on supporting the financial literacy of our community. This quality program covers so many important topics for students and will ultimately build a successful path for their future. We appreciate UNI taking the initiative to create meaningful impact."
Tara Wachendorf
Vice President/Public Relations Director, Greenstate Foundation
Friends ($5,000-$9,999)
"FSB is thrilled to support the UNI Financial Skills for Smart Living Program, which helps teach our Iowa students Financial Literacy. A deeper understanding of money management skills today, provides the tools essential for our students to be successful money managers in their lives tomorrow."
Rod Duroe
CEO & President, Farmers State Bank