CB Services
College of Business Services
Support Services Center x3-7328
The Support Services Center (SSC) is responsible for the copying of non-confidential materials (hand-outs, course packets, other class and departmental materials) and confidential materials (tests and quizzes). The SSC also provides a location where course packets can be purchased by students.
For all non-confidential copying, please fill-out the pink form and drop in plastic in-box located in CBB 128 or complete this online form. Once your non-confidential copying is finished, it will be placed in your mailbox located in this area. Allow 24-hours for the copying of all non-confidential materials.
For all confidential copying, please fill-out the form in the Administrative Assistant’s office (Bruce Bowler, CBB 325E) and place in the plastic in-box on the shelf in his office. Once your confidential copying is finished, it will be placed in a secured file cabinet in CBB 325. Please see Bruce Bowler, Deb Meyer or Lisa Jepsen to pick up copying. Students are not authorized to retrieve confidential copying for you. Allow 72-hours for the copying of all confidential materials.
If you have immediate copying needs, please use the black & white or color copiers in CBB 326-A. The color copier collates, staples and scans.
The Support Services Center also has shredder bins in CBB 128 and CBB 326-A for confidential information that needs to be destroyed. The bins are locked and emptied once a month by a university service provider.
Deb Meyer oversees the daily operations of the Support Services Center. The office is open 7:30 am - 4:00 pm M-F.
Office for Professional Distinction
The Office for Professional Distinction is UNI Business students' one-stop-shop in Curris Business Building. Located in suite 5, staff and trained peers are available to help students with questions and information relating to advising, professional and career readiness, and global opportunities.
Please contact Katie Hillyer at 319-273-7660 or katie.hillyer@uni.edu if you have any questions.
Legal Advice
Active attorney and Iowa State Bar Association member Heidi Noonan-Day, also an instructor of management in the UNI College of Business, offers free initial legal consultations to UNI Business students, faculty and staff.
The UNI Business Legal Advice Clinic is a safe place for full disclosure of any type of potential legal matters.
Drop ins: 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays
By appointment: Schedule by contacting Noonan-Day at 319-273-2750 or heidi.noonan-day@uni.edu
Location: CBB 245