Finance Minor
Add a finance foundation, and you can build a powerhouse career
A finance minor gives you the opportunity and know-how to make strategic financial decisions and achieve long-term financial goals. Not only do you learn about managing your own money, investing and growing it, but you learn how to bringing the discipline of finance to any other major can transform your career. You could be in a position to determine if a company should develop a new product or cut advertising spending because it’s not paying out. You could develop plans to attract new customers or expand a service into new markets. By combining a finance minor with any major, you’ll gain a tangible and smart competitive edge that will push your career forward faster.

Value of student-managed
Krause Fund $380K, Panther Fund $130K (2021)

Top 10 Career
A study of job postings in the Des Moines area (2019–2021) showed Financial Management in the top 10 careers. (Stamats)
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics for Financial Managers in 2021.
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Finance Minor
Careers elevated by a Finance Minor
Adding a Finance minor to any major provides you with insight and depth that others in your industry won’t have. There are numerous careers that benefit by having additional finance knowledge:
- Brand Manager
- Media Buyer
- Sales Manager
- Operations Manager
- Supply Chain Analyst
- Economist
- Accounting Manager
- Tax Analyst
- Human Resource Manager
- Business Owner
- Product Manager
Finance Courses
Classes like Principles of Investments and Advanced Financial Management will quickly get you up to speed on how to analyze, manage and invest money for financial firms, groups of individuals or individual investors. All finance classes are taught by faculty who have years of experience preparing students like you for life in the financial world.
- Corporate Finance
- Principles of Investments
- Intermediate Financial Management
- Advanced Financial Management
- Securities Analysis
- Options and Futures
- Real Estate Finance
- Commercial Bank Management
- International Financial Management
- Fixed Income Analysis
- Introduction to Personal Financial Planning
- Applications of Financial Planning
- Personal Wealth Management