Economics Faculty Research
Leading the way in economics
Our faculty have diverse expertise within the field of economics, from international trade to central banking. Their research within the discipline creates new insights and observations.

Imam M. Alam
Imam’s research interest includes applied econometrics, labor market, trade, and child labor issues.

Shahina Amin
Shahina researches in the areas of economic development and labor economics. She focuses on child labor, immigration, and women's labor market issues, particularly in developing countries. Her recent publication was on pay gap between native-born and foreign-born doctors in the U.S. She is currently working on several projects which include female garment workers in Bangladesh, internet use by women, and youth employment in Canada.

Zhengyang (Robin) Chen
Major fields of interest are macroeconomics/ monetary economics, macro-finance and time series analysis. Current research focuses on the roles of financial intermediaries and expectations in the monetary policy transmission to the macro economy.

Andres Cuadros-Meñaca
Dr. Cuadros is an applied econometrician who researches in the areas of development economics. Dr. Cuadros most recent research focuses on remittances, human capital accumulation, and food policy. His research has been published in top-tier economic journals including the American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Word Development, Economics of Education Review, and Economic Development and Cultural Change.

Bryce Kanago
Macroeconomics and monetary economics especially in the areas of inflation and the business cycle.

Kiptia Lima
Labor Economics, Microeconomics, Behavioral Economics, Public Economics, Gender Studies, Applied Economic Research

Alicia Rosburg
Alicia is an applied econometrician who researches in the areas of agricultural, environmental, and labor economics. She is involved in a number of interdisciplinary topics and is active in pursuing grant opportunities to support her research. Her most recent research focuses on sustainability-related decisions in a variety of settings, including agriculture, K-12 schools, and even craft brewing.

David Surdam
Professor David George Surdam investigates topics in the economics and ethics of professional sports leagues. His recent work includes a book on sports and American society during the postwar years. He is currently working on two book projects. One deals with ethics and sports from ancient times to the present. The other book examines accumulation and disbursement of wealth from ancient times to the present. This book builds on his previous two-volume work published by Palgrave-Macmillan on business ethics through the ages and a recent book on leisure in twentieth-century America published by Oxford University press. In addition he has published several books on the economics of Major league Baseball, the National Basketball Association, and the National Football League.