Choose Your Cause
Your donation counts! Vote for the program you want to support and make a difference today.
Are you a young alumni of the College of Business who graduated in the last 10 years? Your voice can make a real impact in the lives of future business leaders. When you support Live Purple Give Gold, you have the power to choose a cause you're passionate about and direct your funds toward making a positive change. Take your pick from three programs that can transform the lives of students: help them gain valuable skills through the Excel Certification program, broaden their horizons with study abroad opportunities in Greece, or nurture their leadership abilities by supporting attendance at the PSE National Convention. Don't wait any longer - take action now and make a difference! Give now and support the program that speaks to your heart.
Programs to Support
Study Abroad in Greece
18 students
Excel Certification
1,000 Students
PSE Conference Attendance
18 Students
Several days after LPGG, young business alumni who donated to the business college Dean's Fund for Excellence will be sent an email to a survey where they will determine which cause receives the money donated by this group of alumni. If 75 young alumni donate, Emily Scholtes and Andy Dykstra will add an additional $1,000 to the funds available for the project chosen via the vote.