Direct Admission

Top Performers get Direct Admission to the Wilson College of Business

Qualifying for direct admission to the University of Northern Iowa's Wilson College of Business is a prestigious opportunity, and it's based on a student's solid academic record in high school. 

What is Direct Admission?

If you qualify, you will be accepted directly into the business college at the time of admission to UNI. As a direct admit, you'll get to experience special benefits and have access to additional resources.

Let's walk you through this exciting process, starting by making sure you've applied to UNI or accepted your offer of admission.

Student outside Curris Business Building
Student in a business class
Close up of student and laptop

Benefits of Direct Admission

  • Waived Requirements. All requirements for full admission to the Wilson College of Business are waived before you take your first college class. All requirements for full admission to the Wilson College of Business are waived before you take your first college class at UNI. These are as follows:
    • 30 cumulative semester hours of college credit
    • C- or better in one the following business foundation courses: ECON 2090 Decision Analytics OR ECON 1011 Statistics for Business Analytics
    • C- or better in ECON 1041 Principles of Macroeconomics
    • C- or better in an approved English composition course
    • 2.50 total cumulative GPA or 2.50 cumulative GPA, UNI
  • Access to a special session of Business 1000, designed for other high achieving students who were directly admitted.

However, you are still required to complete the above courses as part of your degree requirements. 

Criteria for Direct Admission to the Wilson College of Business

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You are a graduating high school senior (international students also qualify) who wants to pursue a business degree and are admitted to UNI.

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You have a high school GPA of 3.85 OR a high school GPA of 3.5 and 25 or higher on the ACT (SAT 1200 or higher).

Business students sitting around a laptop

How to Get Started

  • Apply to UNI. We will automatically review your application to determine if you're eligible for Direct Admission. You will be notified of your acceptance by the business college dean. Watch for that important letter!
  • Plan your Orientation session. You will be admitted to the Wilson College of Business at that time.
  • When you attend Orientation to schedule your first-semester classes, you will be enrolled in the distinct section of Business 1000.
  • Remember to check out available scholarships!


Contact Elisabeth Soliz for more information.