Wilson College of Business Code of Ethics

Wilson College students vow to forever make ethical business decisions.

At Wilson College, we feel a solid understanding of ethical business practices is an important part of the business degree process. For this reason, we established the Wiilson College of Business Student Code of Business Ethics to ensure each student who enters the business world is armed with the confident to make ethical decisions.

Each year, business students are invited to an ethical workshop where they are exposed to various real-world ethical situations. They are taught how to consider cultural and gender differences and social and economical challenges so they have the knowledge to be balanced and fair in their actions.

Code of Ethics

The following business students vow to make decisions in business and in life with honesty and ethical integrity:

Melissa Ament

Kamryn Arguello

Melissa Black

Taylor Bowers

Cody Campbell

Minhchau Chau

​Aaron Dzaboff

Ben Dzaboff

Bailey Fah

​Alexi Grave

Trevor Hilkey​

Issac Hoffman

Sarah Hofmeyer

Brandi Hosch

Taylor James

​Hailey Johnson

Dongwoo Kang

Kameron Kehoe

Skyler Kelly

​Dodj Lanzo

Kaitlyn Lee

​Lauren Lemert

​Dalton Lillie

Stella Lwin

Aaron Van Maanen

Asascia Manderson

Anna Meadows

Madeline Meyer

Cate Morgan

Michael Novotny

​Zachary Pendray

Blake Ramsey

Tracer Rankin

Carley Reese

​Mayra Rocha

Austin Vrzak

Taylor Waterbeck

​Emma Welp

Jamal White

Alicia Wilder

Yuanyi Ye