Student Organization Marketing

The importance of communication can't be overemphasized, and effective communication needs to take place at every level in your organization. Here are some tips and resources to keep your UNI Business student organization communicating effectively.



Keep your organization's website up-to-date; make sure information is accurate and all links work.



Recruiting New Members

Make sure your organization has a display at:

  • Student Organization Fair
  • New Student Orientation
  • UNI Up Close
  • UNI Business event during Family Weekend, organized by UNI Business Presidents' Council

Ask faculty for a couple of minutes before or after class to personally encourage students to join.

Post a message on the UNI Business Facebook page, encouraging interested students to attend the first meeting of the semester.



Holding Meetings & Events

Check the University Calendar and the UNI Business Calendar for conflicts before scheduling events.

Once scheduled, post information - including time, date and location - to your organization's website. Send time, date, location and other relevant information to

  • Will be posted to UNI Business Announcements, UNI Business Calendar, and under your organization's link in the student organization list on the UNI Business website.
  • Will be submitted to University e-newsletters (MyUNIverse News, UNIOnline and MyUNI Weekend) as appropriate
  • UNI Online is the official source of university news and information for employees. It is a digest of announcements emailed to UNI faculty and staff on Tuesday and Thursday mornings during the fall and spring semesters and once a week in the summer. Deadline for submissions is noon, the preceding workday.
  • MyUNIverse News is the official source of university announcements to students. It is a digest of news and announcements emailed to students on Monday mornings during fall and spring semesters. Deadline for submissions is noon, Friday.
  • MyUNI Weekend notifies students of educational, entertainment and athletic events that take place from Thursday through Sunday. MyUNIWeekend is emailed to students on Thursday mornings. Deadline for submissions is noon, Wednesday.

Use other on-campus publicity outlets (Maucker Union sign, table tents, UNI­TV, Northern Iowan, etc.) as appropriate for your event.

Post flyers in Curris Business Building (12 bulletin boards in CBB) and around campus five to seven days prior to your event. NOTE: Residence halls no longer allow flyers. Each week MyUNIverse News is posted to a central bulletin board in every hall.

If your event is open to all UNI Business students, post a message with information or a link on the UNI Business Facebook page.

Email your organization's mailing list with an event reminder the day prior to your event.

During your event, take photos and notes for use on the organizational website and archive for future publicity uses.

After the event, send photos and event summary and information to for the College to report as News. Planned events as well as news articles are linked to your organization name on the UNI Business website.



Hosting Visitors & Speakers

When your organization hosts a guest speaker - in addition to the steps under Meetings & Events - email the speaker's name, title and organization to



Electing New Officers

After annual elections:

  • Send new officer information to
  • Include organization information.
  • Include organization website URL, if available.
  • Officer information will go on department pages and archived on the UNI Business website.
  • Update your organization website.



Additional Resources

More student organization information and resources are available at the Student Involvement and Activities Center.