Professional Certifications



Employers attach a high value to professional certifications, and Wilson Business is dedicated to preparing students for licensure in accounting, finance and other fields to give our graduates an additional edge in the job market.

Certified Associate in Project Management

Wilson Business students can prepare for the Certified Associate in Project Management exam through the project management course which counts as an elective for supply chain management majors and for both the organizational leadership and business administration emphases of the management major. The examination tests knowledge of the terminology, concepts and processes discussed in The Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge publication.



Certified General Appraiser

Graduates of the University of Northern Iowa Real Estate Program, retroactive to the 2004-2005 academic year, are approved to have satisfied 285 hours of the required 300 credit hours toward the Real Property Appraiser Qualification Criteria for the Certified General Appraiser licensing. Graduates with a bachelor's in real estate from UNI will still need to fulfill 15 educational hours, pass the certified general exam and complete 3,000 hours of work experience to become fully credentialed.

The UNI program was the third program in the United States to receive this level of approval from the Appraiser Qualifications Board of The Appraisal Foundation.



Certified Global Business Professional

Certified Global Business Professionals (CGBP) status, designated by NASBITE International, affirms the individual's acquisition of a core body of knowledge in the area of global trade. The certification process examines global management and marketing, supply chain management and trade finance. Wilson Business students are prepared for certification by a Global Trade Practices course that complements the core business courses.

Contact Chris Schrage, global opportunities coordinator, 319-273-2126.



Certified Property Management

Wilson Business students enrolled in the Real Estate program are able to satisfy all but one of the required courses required for the Certified Property Management designation from the Institute of Real Estate Management. Certified Property Management designation demonstrates professional competence in the area of property management allowing recent graduates to establish themselves early in their careers.



Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Exam Review

The Department of Accounting prepares accounting majors and graduate students for the CPA Exam by providing elective review courses (also open to current accounting professionals who seek to pass the CPA Exam).

Wilson Business' accounting students have a long history of success on the CPA Exam - a pass rate consistently high above the national average - thanks to the rigor of the accounting curriculum and the focused study that the review courses require.

Contact the Department of Accounting at 319-273-2394.



Chartered Financial Analyst® Review

The CFA® Review for-credit course offered in the Spring Semester builds knowledge and confidence for taking the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®) Level I Examination administered by the CFA Institute. Students earn a Financial Analysis Certificate by attending review courses and successfully passing the CFA® Level I Exam. Scholarships are available that cover the majority of the exam's cost for qualifying applicants.

Wilson Business students' CFA® pass rate is 75 percent, more than double the global average.

Contact Ronnie Chen.



Certified Financial Planner® (CFP)

The only CFP® board registered college in the state of Iowa, Wilson Business meets the educational requirement needed to take the certification exam. This allows students to take it immediately after graduation, saving their potential employer time and money and giving the student a competitive advantage in their career field. Only 10% of the financial services industry achieves their CFP designation and of those, only 7% are under the age of 30!  An incredible advantage for our students, their companies, and the client's they will impact.

Contact Steve Yerkes or at 319-273-6737



Securities Industry Essentials Exam® (SIE)

With a major change in law in 2018, students are now eligible to take their initial securities licensing exam without being sponsored by a full time employer. Wilson Business immediately started a program to provide the necessary exam preparation (through a partnership with Knopman Marks) and financial support for taking the exam. Students who pass the exam maintain a competitive advantage to their peers and show their potential employer that they are serious about their career preparedness.



Expanded Career Option for Secondary Teacher Licensure

In addition to a Business Teaching endorsement, Wilson Business students can take additional coursework to earn endorsements in CTE Information Technology and Economics for state secondary teaching licensure.

Contact Jennifer Anderson, Business Teaching Program Coordinator, at 319-273-2166 for specific endorsement requirements and information about this expanded career option.