Funding for Non-Profit Internships


The Wilson Business Scholarship for Social Engagement was created to remove the financial impediment of unpaid internships and encourage students to become socially engaged. The scholarship is available to Wilson Business students who complete an internship with a non-profit organization. See below for full eligibility requirements. Applications will be accepted on a continuing basis.

Student Eligibility

  • Student must be admitted to Wilson Business
  • Undergraduate GPA Minimum: Cumulative 3.0 and Major 2.75
  • Graduate GPA Minimum - Cumulative 3.5



Internship Eligibility

  • To qualify, the internship must be with a nonprofit organization whose mission clearly outlines a social purpose and is organized and operated for purposes that are beneficial to the public interest.
  • Religious and faith based organizations do not qualify; however, a charitable organization that is an affiliate of a religious organization may qualify.
  • Internships to assist candidates who are running for elected office do not qualify.
  • Internship should have a clear relationship to the business function of the organization. Student should be able to identify the relationship to the job function and business studies. Students are encouraged to also get involved with the service arm of the non-profit organization.



Hour and Credit Requirements

  • Student is not required to register for academic credit, but is required to complete a transcript notation request with Career Services (Note: If applying for academic credit see departmental/course requirements).
  • Scholarship will compensate up to 15 hours of work per week.




Up to 15 hours of work per week will be compensated by the scholarship at an hourly rate consistent with comparable business internships (up to $2,500 total).



To apply

To apply for the scholarships or for questions, contact Elisabeth Soliz, Director of the Office for Professional Distinction at